Casio CZ-1 keys

Can someone please tell me where can I get some CZ-1 keys for replacement?
It’s been really hard to find them everywhere, including Ebay.

We don’t have any service info on the CZ-1, nor have we had one in the shop to examine, so we don’t know what keys it uses. But if you can send a photo or two of a removed white key, showing the underside in particular, we may well be able to identify it, and maybe have it in stock. You can email pics to us at

Hi! I’m sending you some photos of CZ-1 keys so you may identify them and adapt others. I heard that FZ-1 keys may adapt into a CZ-1, not sure if it’s true. Do you have them?

Yes, the FZ-1 keys are identical, except for the placement of the weight (which should make no difference at all). You can find those keys here:
