Hi, I’m stripping down a PX-760 keyboard to replace hammer-rubbers and have noticed that the sharps have several different moulded markings in groups - i.e. 1-14, 1-17, 1-15…etc… Although there doesn’t appear to be any discernible difference between them. Does anyone know why this should be? I’ve already removed an octave before noticing this (usually the sharps are the fixed constant!)… I’m now wondering whether I need to map these(?) Thanks!
If I remember correctly the black grommets have “B” imprinter on them for BLACK key hammer and a “W” imprint for WHITE key hammer. Just compare them to another hammer designated for its key color assignment and position the grommet in the same manner.
Thanks for the response. Yes I am aware of the grommet markings - my question was regarding the moulded plastic black keys themselves. It stands to reason that the white natural keys have moulded markings to identify the key; i.e. C/F, E/B, D, G, A - but I have never seen markings for the sharps (since I have always found them to be universally interchangeable). On this particular model (88 notes) the sharps are marked (from bass to treble): 1-15 (5 (notes)), 1-14(5), 1-10(2), 1-11(5), 1-7(5), 1-3(2), 1-17(5), 1-19(7). I was wondering why this should be - since there doesn’t appear to be any discernible difference between them(?)
No, to the best of my knowledge and experience those numbers mean nothing in regards to which octave… an C/F in a C or F so on and so forth. The numbers as well not really needed.