Casio PX 110 can't open front cover

I tried everything. I followed the manual to a T, I unscrewed everything and removed the parts accordingly, I watched and followed 3 youtube videos, but I just can’t seem to open the front cover… How do I do it??? My research told me there’s a catch somewhere for the top cover similar to the side covers but idk how to maneuver around that to get the top cover open. Someone, anyone, Please have a solution for me…

I assume you have the cabinet version and the sliding cover over the keys is stuck!?
First thing to note; the rear panel and the top panel are ONE piece (even though there are screws along the top)
Hence, remove the screws around the rear panel but NOT the screws along the top. You can then remove the entire top/rear L-shaped part.
I don’t exactly recall which cabinet you have - if the L-shaped part does not come off then you have to remove the instrument from the stand (screws covered by buttons on the side) and remove two additional screws on either side that hold the top section in place.
Not very service friendly that one.

Hi thanks for the reply!

This is the one I have and I am pretty sure I removed all the screws…

Does that help?

You need to take the side covers off and also the bottom cover and the screws inside between the hammers.
Three additional notes:

  1. Before you turn the unit back over - put the cover back on and secure with
    4 screws else all the keys dis-engage.
  2. When inserting screws do NOT use an electric tools - you need to find the
    thread and thread angle else you cut a new thread - and plastic is
    unforgiving - best way insert the screws and turn the screwdriver with two
    fingers at the shaft - the first few turns should be really easy - ie you are in
    the thread. If the first few turns are hard you are cutting a new thread !!!
  3. Additionally - do not over-tighten the screws - you tear out the thread -
    again plastic is unforgiving!!!

Yeah I found that manual too… I removed all the screws (Also accidentally dis-engaged a couple keys) But it seems stuck… Is there like a certain trick to opening it?

What is it that you want/need to do?!

That model doesn’t “open up” as such. If you need to replace keys or hammer caps or replace key contact boards, you just remove the bottom cover, lift the entire unit onto an X stand, all the hammer weights drop down and you just lift the keys?!