DX 5, Funky Output?

Hey Y’all.

Got a DX 5 that I’ve had for a while, though, as of the last year it’s been more of a glorified midi controller.

Played it today as intended and noticed the output only a fraction of what it used to be, through the outputs A/B & P as well as the headphone jack.

I also noticed, once I turn it off and on again, if I’m to play the synth upon it waking up, it sounds just fine…for about 5 seconds if im lucky.

Can anyone point me in the direction of what I may need to replace in this thing to get the output good as new?

Thanks in advance.

Welcome to the forum.

Electrolytic capacitors in the power supply are a good place to start with anything a few decades old. They have a limited lifetime no matter the quality of the capacitor. As they go bad they lead towards all sorts of problems so it’s usually best to get those out of there then do more diagnosis from there.

You can also measure power supply voltages with a voltmeter/multimeter and see if they are as they should be. It’s usually good to take some measurements before going and replacing stuff.

If all that sounds like too much we have a list of service centers we know of.