I recently received a rotary encoder for my E4xt Ultra and it was the incorrect type. My research suggests that the encoder I received works with the E5000 and newer models. The solder points were spaced differently, the mount points were incompatible, and the post was way too short to engage with the user knob. So, my question is what is the correct encoder and is it still available?
Someone responded to you on FB, before you made the order, advising you it was Bourns. You went ahead and got the ALPS.
The Bourns encoder 24PPR was available on Mouser/Digikey but the ‘shaft’ length required has since been discontinued and/or its not available in ‘D-shaft’ (flatted). So, you can get a new encoder but you are going to have to transplant the ‘shaft’ which has the wiper on it.
By the time you have done that you may as well have opened up the existing encoder, cleaned the optical ‘windows’ and wiper and add a tiny amount of low-viscosity grease to the shaft and you would be back in business.