E-Mu Proteus/1 /2 /3 screen options

I’d like to replace the screen on my Proteus/3. It’s a pretty standard 16x2 display that I should be able to replace with any HD44780 LCD. But the E-Mu has a ribbon cable, and I’ll have to manually solder all 14 wires of the ribbon cable if I can’t find something with a compatible connector.

Here’s someone else who replaced the screen with a Winstar WEH001602C.

There’s someone on Reverb selling replacement screens for the newer 16-character E-Mus, but I don’t know if it’d fit the original Proteus, and he’s charging as much as the whole synth is worth. It’ll only let me put 2 links in the message, but you can search for “OLED Display Upgrade - E-mu Orbit Morpheus Vintage / Classic Keys Proteus Ultra / FX” on Reverb.

Does anybody have experience with this or know where I could get a screen?

If I manually solder the pins … would it work to get a standard 14-pin ribbon cable with 2.54mm pitch and just chop one end off and solder it to the new screen? Something like this?


I’m really surprised that there’s no readiliy available screen replacements for any E-mu rack synths except for occasinally seeing OLED replacements. I don’t want an OLED without a screen saver.

Any HD44780 LCD is likely to work, but you need one with the right dimensions (85 x 36mm) with DIL headers on the left side.

However it’s a relatively difficult desoldering job to remove the old display because the LCD is mounted to the front panel PCB via a 14 pin header that is soldered both to the LCD’s PCB) and to that front panel PCB. There’s also a two pin header (similarly soldered to both PCBs) at the other end for the backlight. There are no cable involved.

BTW, the StackExchange posting above was me, and I run the FB “Music Gear Display Retrofits” group.

24 x 2 LCDs for the Proteus 2000 family are readily available. In fact as yet there are no OLEDs in that format :cry: