Ensoniq KS-32 Error

We have encountered an “Unexpected Event ID = 138” error when we boot up a KS-32. Not sure exactly where to start with repairs in this instance, besides replacing the main board. Does anyone have any info or experience they could share on this issue? Thanks!

according to the service manual its a spurious interrupt.

What is it is probably one chip did not start up on boot probably due to a bad cap causing a partial brown out. Or its because of the main power supply caps are timed out. The unit is at the age of capacitor replacement.

You need to take it to a tech to find out which ones are failing. Its most likely all the electrolytic caps. If you let it go, an out of spec power supply can permanently damage irreplaceable chips.

A motherboard replacement wont fix the power supply, and any electrolytic caps on it will be in the same timed out shape.

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Excellent - thanks for the insight! We can do the caps easily enough and go from there. I appreciate the help.