How easy is the key bed install on a Yamaha P80?

My Yamaha P80 is getting long in the tooth and some notes are sticking and others seem to recoil sluggishly. Rather than piecemeal a few new keys and springs it seems to make more sense to drop in a brand new keybed Keybed assembly, Yamaha - Syntaur and have everything fresh in the action.

My question is…how straightforward a job is this to DIY? Will the new key bed come with installation instructions?


No need to get a new keyframe … just remove all the keys and re-apply the silicon grease on the fulcrum points and guide points. That’ll fix it

Best be careful if you’re going to remove all the keys and lube them. They tend to get brittle with age and start cracking, along with the plastic frame. and the bumpers tend to dissolve into an oily mess. IMO, if not using Yamaha lubricants you will have more issues. Replacing the whole assembly is quite easy and you will have a “new” playing keyboard. If you want instructions email me at pcm.tech808 at gmail dot com.