Juno 106 Xvive BBD just clicks doesn't engage chorus?


I just installed a new set of Xvive bbd chorus chips in my Juno 106, but it seems now theres only a clicking sound then dissolves into a white noise sounds then stops.

I did the install pretty clean, but can’t figure out whats up.

Anyone have any ideas?

Did the chorus work with the chips that were in it before?

It’s easy to install the chorus chips turned the wrong way. Did you double check that?


That’s what I did! thought they’d be oriented with the writing same way, but it’s the opposite :face_with_head_bandage:

Yay! Of course chips usually have a horseshoe-shaped indentation in the top of them that matches up with the horseshoe-shaped cutaway in the chip socket. And there’s usually a dot on the top which marks pin 1.

So the question is, did the Xvive chips minimize the surf sound in your Juno 106 chorus? I installed a set in my Juno 106 last year and it didn’t seem to change a thing.

Thank You!!

oh 10000% there’s no noticeable noise now, and I think it sounds better

Also I think the new chips have more headroom, my other chips were distorting and what not but these ones can take alot of volume from the vca with no clipping

That’s great to hear!