Korg 01/w pro psu caps problem

Hello everyone ive joined this community to see if i could get some more insight on my korg 01/w pro, i got an answer on reddit, so the problem is that it no longer powers on, after i had forgotten to power it off one night, i was told it was something to do with PSU caps, and that is a definite indication lf acidic of outgassing from caps, i need more help on how to look at this and if there is a specific part to replace, thank you

I have the same problem, did you fix it?

Did you check the voltages from the power supply?

Take out the Power Supply board and re-solder the components on the board. Check all continuity. Re-install and see if it powers up. Also make sure the power switch is opening and closing first.

I opened it up im jot sure if i see anything wrong so ill send a picture, i was told it could also be a fuse but i dont have a multimeter to check

You need to check:
1: Power supply voltages +5v , +/- 12v
2: Current draw of the mainboard on 5v rail. It should not be more than 400ma

You will need digital multimeter and a power supply which displays the current draw.

Do this checks and we will see what comes next.

I checked the fuses with a multimeter,

fuse 1 gave me around 0.6

Fuse 2 gave me moslty 0 although it did spike up to 1.6 for a sec

fuse 3 gave me around 0.2 and 0.3

Fuse 4 gave me 0

Also sorry i did not understand what you meant by a power supply, do i need to test the power supply too?

And i also did not understand the 2nd question

You need to check the voltages on the power supply.
Tirdad is asking for you to then measure the current consumption of 12v and 5v.
Set you meter to Amps measuring and put your probes inline with the 12v and then 5v power rail.

Would it be here at the top? Or somewhere else?

That’s the mains voltage side.
I’ve marked up on the board where you should measure.

You need to check the voltages at the RHS.
Should be +12v, -12v and 5v I believe.