Korg M1 Plus 1 issues with onboard patches after repair

Hi I bought my M1 plus one in 1993, it started distorting on some sounds so I brought it to a local music service place, He had fixed the problem but when I brought it home about 15 or so patches were not playing what they were supposed to be sounding like. I tried two different backups and it’s always the same patches and i know these backups are good since I’ve used them before. He said he had to solder wire across traces that were coming off the board. With the upgraded +1 from Invision I know they had to hot rod it and maybe he got something wrong.

What I need is the install instructions for the upgrade from Invision. Mine was a factory upgrade that was branded out of the box. Does anyone know where or have the instructions to install the upgrade or had a similar issue so we can confirm and possibly fix the issue I am having?
Thanks Kevin

I found this thread while deep-diving trying to find Invision Plus/One instructions myself. What I can say from my research is that the Plus/One installation involved cutting some traces on the main PCB, so it’s possible that your tech “repaired” these deliberately-broken traces and in the process messed up the Plus/One compatibility.

Unfortuantely, I don’t have much more information than that. It would be interesting to see pictures of your M1’s internals to see if there’s any clues for what the Plus/One installation process involved.

Crazy how there’s just no documentation about the Plus/One whatsoever - an occasional Reverb sale, a mention in an issue of SoundOnSound, some British YouTuber talking about it for twenty minutes without actually providing any actual information, and… that’s about it. Possibly the most obscure commercial upgrade of all time? :slight_smile: