Kurzweil K2500XS strange noise overtones

Hello everyone! I am working on a Kurzweil K2500XS that has an interesting issue. All the controls work fine, the keys all play and seem perfectly fine in diagnostic mode. When you press several keys at the same time, strange samples begin to play over top of the selected sample. Its like space age music and drum sounds and all kinds of weird stuff. Any clue what circuit board might be responsible and how I might repair it? I’ve checked and clean all the connections, reseated all removable RAM and cards after cleaning, replaced batteries, factory reset. I feel like there’s a corrupt IC somewhere in this thing but have no idea where to even begin to look. Thanks in advance for any help!



  • run the diags
  • remove the sample ram, test again

Possible failure of 244 octal/line driver. But before you go down a rabbit hole run the diags.

Sample ram/rom share address lines.