Montage 8 Mother board deful

Good evening my people.
Please, after playing my Montage 8 Yamaha Keyboard for event and shot down , coming the next day to power it on, it could not power on. After assessing it, I observed that the main board is faulty, WHAT SHOULD I DO TO RESTORE THE MOTHER BOARD OR TO MAKE IT POWER ON?. Please, I need help indeed. Please, someone should help me out on this.

Best Regards

David Azubuike (DAVAZ)

Hello David
What makes you think the main board is bad?

The Montage 8 keyboard is not powering even as the voltages from the power supply are correct. That is why I deduced that the main board is faulty. What should I do to get the keyboard powered?. Thanks.

I’d replace the DM board (main board)
ZK722000 retail $604