If you have songs you want to be in Synth Wizards, post links to them here! They should be synth-heavy and have no vocals (except maybe as an effect).
By posting links here you agree that you own the copyright to the songs in question and grant us license to use them in Synth Wizards with no compensation. Please refrain from posting tracks that were part of a commercial release as we do not want to have to go through the process of releasing Content ID claims on YouTube. Thanks for your submission!
This is one of my earlier YouTube uploads. Had an opportunity to get most of my keyboards set up together and had some fun improv time. Everything is made up, and played live in one take. For my videos, I eventually learned to play FIRST, and talk about the songs AFTER for anyone willing to stick around, so there’s a gear rundown at the end of the video. My first-ever YT video, called “Fretless Jam”, would be a fun submission, but I may send you the audo file only, as in that YT video I rambled on for a solid two minutes before I play the song. Lol. Oh well, lesson learned.
Thanks guys! We’re using some of these in episode 6, and will always need music for future episodes also.
Some further hints on what works well:
Great swings in dynamics are problematic, as most music will be used under voice-over or other talking. So smoother dynamics fight the voice less.
Tracks with arpeggiators often work well, as they have nice motion and can be consistent dynamically.
While spacey synth music often works great, other styles are nice for specific bits or transitions. So if you’re not sure if something might work, send it on anyway. It might be perfect for something special.
Loving this !!! I so wish I had my ESQ1 still. The SQ80’s & ESQ1s are out of my price range. I see VFX and SD-1s for quite a bit cheaper and am considering that as a possiblity. Do you think it will satiate my cravings for the transwave synthesis?
I got a looper pedal for my birthday and I was so pleased with it that I decided to make the first loop I made with it public domain. So if you just need a short loop of some quirky synth music this one is free.
Don’t know if this is still relevant or necessary but I have a few tracks on my Soundcloud that could be of use for this topic. Feel free to DL and use them as you see fit. All I ask is that you give an honorable mention. Cheers.