Poly-800 slider dimensions

I’ve got a Poly-800 with missing slider caps (these things), and I’m hoping to design a replacement that I can 3D print. Would any Poly-800 owner be kind enough to measure the dimensions of their slider caps? All I need is LxWxH in millimetre accuracy, I will take care of the rest.

Of course I could just guess the dimensions and print something usable, but I might as well make an attempt to be accurate.

I’ll upload the final 3d model to Thingiverse so that other people can print it too. Someone already did this for the joystick cap (link here) so I was able to print a replacement for my DW-8000, hopefully I can help out someone else in the same way.


Thank you, that’s way more precision than I could have hoped for!

Here’s the finished print:

They turned out a bit rounded on the top due to how I placed the supports, but I’m fine with that.

I’ll post a link to the files once they’re uploaded.

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Here are the files for those who are interested: Korg Poly-800 Slider Cap by hburd - Thingiverse

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