Pratt Read spring contact replacement

Does anyone have a source for the contact springs on old Pratt Read keybeds? I’m talking the ones with the rubber actuator and coil springs that make contact with the bus bars. This is for a Mk1 Odyssey I am working on

We just added these for the Minimoog - I can’t remember if they are the same in the Odyssey:

Key contact spring - Syntaur

Hi Sam,
If it might be of any help…
I once did a repair like this with a low E string .056 inch, from Ernie Ball “nickel wounds”
Before cutting it to length, just remove the core of the string.
And carefully solder the “coil” into place.
It still works like a charm…
While you’re at it, remove the buss bars and clean them out with a soft cloth and a little silver polish…
Then you’re good to go for many year to come.
Best regards, Aad

That’s a cool idea, thanks!