Looking for a schematic, service manual or information on how to remove the key assembly so I can repair the power board in the bottom, there are many screws and I do not want to disassemble an assembly by removing the wrong screws and creating an unwanted repair problem.
Have you figured it out yet? Let me know and I will get the manual out.
Hi, Not yet, have been busy with another item and had to finish that one before getting back on this unit, but will be back at it tomorrow and see how I make out.
Thank You
Hi, I took a look at it today and the screws indicated do not line up with the screw layout of the piano. I may need to end up removing every screw I can find to get the bottom to separate from the keyboard section, a hard way to go but not seeing to many options at the moment as it needs to be turned upside down to get at the majority of the screws.