Roland (Rodgers) felts

Keyboards in a Rodgers 905 Organ were made by Roland. I an looking for up and down stop felts to refurbish this three manual organ.

Down stop is White, 1/4" wide, 3/32" high and 33" long.
Up stop is Green, 1/4" wide, 5/32" high and 33" long

Do you have anything in your inventory that might work?

Best regards

This felt strip is 33.5 inches long, 1/4-inch wide, and 1/8-inch tall:

It might work for both the upper and lower felt, as it is just 1/32 taller than one, and 1/32 shorter than the other. It’s hard to measure the thickness of felt to any accuracy, as it is so fuzzy!


Thanks! I’ll give them a try and let you know how it goes.


Rebuilt keyboard with your felts, reinstalled and the Great manual is working and feels great. Not sure about velocity sensitive feature since MIDI is not hooked up yet. Just ordered felts for the other two manuals.

Thanks for your help!


Hey, that’s great news! Thanks for the update.