Six-Trak Won't Save Patches

Got a Six-Trak for free several years ago, never have done much with it until recently, wanted to get it fixed up as it was a bit rough.

I’ve cleaned it up, had to replace the audio out plug-in, and then I replaced the battery since those eventually go out and I didn’t want to start making patches on a 40 year old battery.

Prior to replacing the battery, it saved patches fine. Now it doesn’t at all, and I cannot figure out why, wasn’t sure what approach to take.

I figured maybe it was some capacitors? I don’t even know where to start with those, since there are so many and it’s hard to determine if a capacitor is bad without detaching it and testing it.

Any advice? It doesn’t save anything at all, other than it’s other issues, such as being out of tune sometimes seem to have been fixed.

First thing I’d check is the voltage on the battery that is currently in there. Since the synth saved patches before the battery swap there’s a chance something went wrong during the battery change. Make sure the battery was soldered in the correct orientation. Also check that the traces near the battery weren’t damaged. If everything looks good then the diode D108 or electrolytic capacitor C102 would be the first components I’d test.

Perhaps my board is different, or perhaps I’m just blind, but I can’t seem to find a C102 or D108 on my board. There’s plenty of C012s, and then there’s a chance I’m missing D108 as the diode numbers tend to be partially hidden under the diodes themselves, but they all look to be 2 digit.