Studiologic SL990

I bought a StudioLogic SL990 last week; it has 8 ‘dead’ keys on it and I thought that replacing the rubber contact strips and cleaning would get me going.

It did not solve the dead keys, even after cleaning the board with alcohol and a cotton swab.

I have attached a picture of the area that is not working, marked with 'x’s on the specific keys. Since they are all part of the same ‘grouping’ on the board, I am hoping I can track down a potentially bad circuit/solder point and simply re-solder it.

I did test for continuity from the board to the ribbon connector, and that looks good. So - if there is a failure, it would appear to be at the board level. I have tried ‘ringing out’ the various points on that section of the board between the individual key and the ribbon connector - the ribbon connector does seem to be good, it looks like it’s just not getting a signal when the key contacts are pressed. Other areas of the circuit board DO show continuity to the ribbon connector points.

Am I on the right track here?