Hey, does anyone know offhand what drum module is used on Gary Numan’s album The Pleasure Principle? I’ve been in love with that clap since buying the album in 1980.
Thanks in advance.
Hey, does anyone know offhand what drum module is used on Gary Numan’s album The Pleasure Principle? I’ve been in love with that clap since buying the album in 1980.
Thanks in advance.
Not familiar with the sound you are talking about. Don’t rule out that it could have been real handclaps, possibly several, maybe heavily processed. This is what the 80s, sampling and MIDI brought us- that everything had to be done electronically and /or digitally.
Possibly a Simmons Clap Trap, but more likely a Linn LM-1 Inbuilt sample. As ronnfigg suggest, there more than likely was real clap overdubs.
Pretty sure that would be from the Linn, Gary was still using that in 83 when I worked there. Never saw a claptrap or anything else so I’d guess it was the Linn.
Aquilia wrote: “Pretty sure that would be from the Linn…”
The Linn is what I’ve heard as well. I just wanted to make sure before I go looking for a Linn sample library.
Thank you all for the replies.
If your interested in modern day offerings Delptronics offers a handclap synthesizer in eurorack or stomp box format. I’ve been super interested myself.
In the early days, it is documented that the Clap -Trap and Synare were used extensively, both in the studio and live. There are also early albums that credit hand claps to “Simple Minds, et al”, although, I believe this may have been on the 1980 Telekon album.
Yup. Synare and Clap Trap (big numanoid here). But they’re generally just analogue noise oscillators with a filter, maybe even a ring mod for cymbal type sounds. Easy reproduced. But I find part of the process of getting exact results requires knowing the outboard FX.
There are people who do almost 100% perfect re-recordings of Numan songs who would be able to offer advice on reverbs etc.
MoyaMoya wrote:
“If your interested in modern day offerings Delptronics offers a handclap synthesizer in eurorack or stomp box format. I’ve been super interested myself.”
Now that looks cool. I’m not a modular guy but that stompbox is intriguing. Thanks.
@anexbrit @gilesjuk: I’m not familiar with either the Synare or Clap-Trap but I’ll research them. I’m on a tight budget so I’ve been working in the box exclusively for a couple of years. I’ll look for sample libraries of both. Thanks.
Gilesjuk: where do hardcore Gary Numan fans congregate? Is there a fan bbs where I might find some of the covers you mentioned?
Sounds to me like it is supposed to be an electronic snare…
FWIW the Akai S-950 sampler had an awesome handclap patch named “Gorilla Claps.”
either a synare 3 or claptrap, it cant be a linn due to the album coming out 1 year before the LM-1 hit the market