Virus TI2 37 Key - Need keybed contact board

Have a TI2 Polar with a wrecked keybed board. Owner spilled a drink on it then let it sit for a year. After some serious clean up I was able to restore function on all but 4 of the keys.

Can sell as is for a profit, but would rather send this unit back out there with a new keybed contact board. Unit is otherwise immaculate.

I realize this is a longshot, but never hurts to ask.

I’ve looked online and the board looks identical to the one used in a standard TI. Anyone know if they are the same part?


I had a similar situation with an Alesis QS8. where the fluid had completely corroded a couple of traces on the contact board. I was able to repair them with a conductive ink pen. Probably not as good as a 22 Ga. jumper wire but a lot easier (LASQAD engineering :grin:)

I might attempt the jumper wire fix if I get desperate, but the carbon contacts are also totally destroyed on some of these keys. Going to hold out hope I can find a replacement board. Would hate to sell someone a $2k synth and have a key die on them a year or two later.

Yeah those contact pads are pretty specialized. Only thing that comes to mind would be a very thin bit of adhesive and a sprinkle of powdered graphite (used for locks)

This issue has been resolved. I don’t see a way to close these out. After much searching, was able to locate a replacement keybed contact board.