wish to replicae the nieber contact strips

Dear Sir/Madam

I have in possession a digital keyboard - Yamaha P515. I wish to replicae the nieber contact strips and I need

your help.Can you please advise me the following:

a) What exact screws need to be unscreved before I grin access to the keyst.

b) How exactly I can remove the keys in order to uncover the entire strip?

c) fre there any safety clips that I should be aware before I try fpen the plano?

I thank you for your advice, With the utmost respect:

It is highly unlikely anything in that has failed this early in the products life. If you have any technical issues with it, it should go back to Yamaha as it may still be covered.


Exactly what is the problem - this may be covered by warranty !!!

Also - can you give me the serial number of your P-515.