Unit purchased new years ago for piano lessons. Worked for a few years then issue with no sound occurred. Lessons ended and piano remained in same spot until now, when I decided to “tinker”. Several forums zeroed in on issue with Amp board capacitors as being the likely issue. Recently purchased new Amp board and just installed. Initially, issue remained; however, when reconnecting the ribbon cable from AM to DM, sound was produced on one speaker. I checked the seating of the cable on both ends, then tried again, but returned to no sound condition. Since this is a friction connection on both ends, the the cable run is short, the tension on the connections has loosened and does not appear to seat fully, so I am thinking that this may be the culprit.The leads on both ends do not appear to be damaged.
I have very basic technical knowledge in this area and do not want to sink more dollars in this unit than it is worth… but it is a decent unit that I would like to keep if at all possible.
Any guidance or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.