Yamaha MX61 humming noise

I bought a used MX61 and recieved it just an hour ago. When I tried it with headphones, there was almost no sound at all. I could still hear some faint piano though. I tried it in my Fender Guitar amp, and got more volume, but this time paired with an annoying hum that’s almost as loud as the keys. I tried it with multiple cables, nothing changed. I tried it in my Steinberg UR22C audio interface, and got the exact same sound. I have done a factory reset, nothing else is plugged in, all volume settings are as they should be. Then I tried the demo songs, and they actually got enough volume to kind of drown out the hum! The hum was still there though, but now in a slightly different pitch.
I don’t know what more to do at this point, so any help is much appreciated!

I’ve mentioned this to people before. Humming 90% of the time is a capacitor went bad somewhere, just bring (or send) it to an electronics repair shop and ask them to check out the capacitors and power supply and replace what’s needed. They don’t need to be keyboard repair place. Usually it’s a few hundred and it comes back sounding like new.