Hi there !! Yamaha P 250 is stuck for 2 hours at “Please Wait”…After that everything works properly.
“Self Test” doesn’t complete to Factory Default and FlashRom chk 2 hangs.
Is it capacitor at MA60 or DM board…
Thank you for any hints.
Hi Longa, A good start is to just replace ALL the electrolytic capacitors on the MA60 board. That cured my boot problem. The (distortion) problem I have now is that the EffectRam tests NG test #7 and test #39 also NG . Only so much Ram and Rom chips on the DM Board. What I’ll do next is replace the caps nearest to the Ram chips…I don’t really have to replace them with surface mount capacitors. If no-go THEN for me, the big Ram chips need professional surface mount attention. Stay tuned!
Thanks for the hint…It boots after 15 seconds but in piano sound only…Volume,eq,midi is fully operational but “Please Wait” stay and takes between 5min and 10 hours to go to full mode…